Welcome to BMC
Bheemodaya Multiple Campus (BMC) established in 2007 AD under the affiliation of Tribhuvan University, is a community-based non-profit oriented educational institution. It is one of the pioneer and renowned colleges of Gorkha district. It is an academic centre for the underprivileged and destitute students of countryside and remote areas. It is also an academic hub which produces competent and responsible citizens required to build the nation, so it is considered as the heart, pride and glory of northern part of Gorkha district and neighbouring regions of Dhading district. It is a source of attraction to those students who love and desire to study in natural milieu in order to make their life efficacious and future bright. It provides quality education in a reasonable and affordable fee in comparison to private colleges. It is enabled to erase the illusion among students and guardians that only the colleges of city areas can provide quality education. Currently, the campus has been running four-year bachelors programmes in two streams: Management (BBS) and Education (B.Ed.). It has been successful to mobilize active participation as well as contribution of local people and community on its various operational and developmental aspects.